Delighted to say the quiz raised £346.00 for Coldstream Community Centre. I had 250 returned with 180 all correct. Winners were R Joyce, Frome and M Evans, New Romney. Thank you for your continued support.
1 Cockney ain’t soft with five, and Noah’s boat houses a type of pig (8) Aardvark
2 Initially Ken reads all about life in the village (5) Kraal
3 Isn’t early before ten, when milky sap exudes (5) Latex
4 A hatred of strangers sees the phoenix get entangled with the boa (10) Xenophobia
5 A little woman has right in the middle when encountering a group of warriors (4) Army
6 Sounds like part of the egg aids ploughing (4) Yoke
7 Outgoing old flame comes before the island race holding a dog (9) Extrovert
8 He’s Taurus? So, daft about the reference book (9) Thesaurus
9 Alone and left on it (5) Shelf
10 Is supporter of this desperate man playing a game or enjoying a dance? (8) Fandango
11 In the sunporch ardently view fruit trees (7) Orchard
12 Aimlessly scribble an insect which then explodes (9) Doodlebug
13 Swordsman sounds as if he is happy he consumed the girl (9) Gladiator
14 In a quarrel Ishmael finds something to savour for a gentleman (6) Relish
15 Throw up northwards, way up in the sky (6) Heaven
16 Wealthy person started in North America with just a shilling (5) Nabob
17 Bridges beautiful French admirer (4) Beau
18 Find a raincoat in Northern Ireland (6) Ulster
19 Some of a king crab bites a teacher (5) Rabbi
20 I is conman so too confused to sleep (9) Insomniac
21 One hundred and one? Not quite. More like five when in Paris (4) Cinq
22 Firstly mineral is quite usually available replacing the zinc (6) Quartz
23 Reach the peak with a free mind and it ends with hydrogen (6) Zenith
24 Two Juliets follow the post to Harrow on pilgrimage (4) Hajj
25 A box of interlocking pieces dance with a tool (6) Jigsaw
26 A bird is shakin’ its booty (7) Wagtail
27 When you limit vote compose a recurring theme in music (9) Leitmotiv
28 After five alpha politician is a bit of a floozy (4) Vamp
29 Find in golfing pro blemish which can be a difficulty (7) Problem
30 She plays tennis where the pleasure boats are moored (6) Marina