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degreen2014 | 15:28 Sat 19th Dec 2020 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
To Mamyalynne thanks you are a genius.


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Not me, I only directed you there but thanks very much.

Remember you can add replies to your own threads by typing in the 'your answer' box and clicking 'submit'.
...clicking 'answer now' sorry.

You should have added this as an answer to the question to which it refers, you don't need to start a new thread every time
Baldric is our resident grumpy elf, but we all need light and shade in our lives.
What's the plural of genius?

Thanks Mamya,
(I'll remember that ;o)
Either or either Arky.
You're a cheery wee sowel, BALDRIC.
Thank you Mamya... I'll keeep an eye out ;-)

A nice thread though.

Unlike you TCL.

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