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Tier 4 Travel

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lady-janine | 10:16 Sun 20th Dec 2020 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I am confused but what are the rules of travelling from one part of Tier 4 to another part of Tier 4? Is it okay to do this?


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I think you can but as no household mixing is permitted except for support bubbles I am not sure why you would need to. Tier four seems to override the Christmas relaxation that is in place for everyone else.
No it isn't. Tier4 is exactly what it is, high risk of transmission for EVERYBODY.
“Support bubbles and those meeting for childcare will be exempt.”

So you can travel for that and to do any of the other things you’re allowed
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I asked because my family (except me) all live in Tier 4 and wondered if they would be allowed to see one another at all.

Pleas don't shout Sqad. I'm not deaf. Thank you.
Not unless they are in a pre existing bubble, individuals can meet in an open space a park for example.
LJ...not shouting, just emphasising a word.
Don't take your festive frustrations out on me.
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Thank you ichk and rowan. I don't know what their bubbles are but they are all nominated as key workers and child care is necessary and juggled so some sort of travel is involved. All of it within tier 4.

I'm just grateful for the times we did manage to meet up.
and thank you too sqad.
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I'm not frustrated over that Sqad as I never expected to see any of them over the holiday period. See 10.34 post. Just trying to give them some sort of support from Tier 1.
all i know is we are in tier 4,
and that doesn't look it will change any day soon
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Sqad - Friends again?
My ex was due to visit little Tigs this evening but he's not going to now.

He will be picking him up on Christmas day evening though and taking him for the week. He hasn't seen him for over 2 months since the last lockdown. have never been anything else, now just slip your dress back and give me a cuddle.
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LOL Sqad. Anytime.

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