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Nicola Shelves Any Ideas Of Indy2 Vote

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royfromaus | 23:33 Sun 20th Dec 2020 | ChatterBank
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I cannot access twitter links - what did she say?
This is her tweet,

"It’s now imperative that PM seeks an agreement to extend the Brexit transition period. The new Covid strain - & the various implications of it - means we face a profoundly serious situation, & it demands our 100% attention. It would be unconscionable to compound it with Brexit."
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Irony at the highest level.
Quite a lot to unpack at 06:50 but taking the support part on its own, the odd band of what looks like film extras wandering the verges of roads or standing on flyovers looking for toots fae the traffic sum up the chances of a vote for independence.


Maybe the sisterhood can look at the go home and be a wife part later. :-P
Nicola is on a spectacular low as regards support and popularity up here right now

really? //Ms Sturgeon is still viewed as the most trustworthy (50 per cent), honest (54 per cent), and genuine (57 per cent) of the Scottish party leaders, according to voters. Between 20 and 25 per cent of voters said the same applied to Scottish Conservative and Scottish Labour leaders Douglas Ross and Richard Leonard.//

That was four days ago...

Same day:
//Scottish independence support at joint record level, shock new poll suggests//
that was MInty post, who lives just outside of Edinburgh i believe
douglas i did see that, and wondered. but.....
Is she very unpopular up there? My daughter lives in Scotland and she says that she is impressed by her handling of the Covid, although she voted to stay in the Uk last time, she may vote differently if there were a second referendum.
it depends on who you talk to it seems, Minty thinks she unpopular and said so, others say different.
Would be good to get feedback from other Scottish abers.

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