I'm fed up with all the Christmas ads because they are presenting a jolly happy holiday...and it just isn't. It's saying this is how we should be feeling, but we aren't. I just want it to go away. I think I'll be quite happy to hibernate until March.
lots of lights outside houses on our street, a dozen or more decorated. Not so much at Waitrose, but it was after 10pm and the shelves were looking bare.
I'm fed up with all the Christmas ads because they are presenting a jolly happy holiday...and it just isn't. It's saying this is how we should be feeling, but we aren't. I just want it to go away. I think I'll be quite happy to hibernate until March.
Same here Pasta. Ads with party foods and holidays and flights etc. I know they need to advertise keep things going but I'm just not feeling it. I bought a few pressies but can't get motivated to wrap them.
We wre in t4 & shut up shop till ny. No work = no gifts. Darent go mobile in fear of being dobbed in. I cant muster writing cards or deks. Phone never stops with clients pleading. At least the accounts are done, taxman will be happy, I hope! Its gonna be lonely without my kids & gkids.
No Christmas spirit on view at my nearest Tesco at 8am this morning, just a packed, frantic, no-social-distanced free-for-all. I was relieved to get out of there.