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Diffney Christmas Cracker Quiz

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JustinCredible | 15:21 Fri 25th Dec 2020 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
Stuck on these last few.
41. L (S B) by J 685
42. 13 U for S
45. S P on a B T
49. A the first L of the G A
51. (D 22nd - J 19th)
57. D B R 65, P S to B
60. I at 1st Y D S


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42 13 unlucky for some
51 Capricorn
45 Six pockets on a billiard table
41 Laxed (Siren Beat) by Jawsh 685
49 A the first letter of the Gaelic alphabet
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Apologies Mamyalynne, 45. should be 5 P on a P T. My mistake.
49 Alpha the first letter of the greek alphabet
45 players on a baseball team

Correction 5 players on a basketball team
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Thank you for all the replies.

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Diffney Christmas Cracker Quiz

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