OH went for his 1st vaccination in Dec.. (Next due next week.) Obviously, they don't want to clutter-up the place, so he went in on his own. Unfortunately he is increasingly deaf, audiology services have ceased and he needs his aids tweaked. So, when they asked about allergies, he said he didn't have any. He doesn't, regarding medication, but he is allergic to almost every dressing which touches his skin. His nurse went nuts this afternoon when she saw the awful rash all the way down his arm - started about a week after the jab, just on that arm, and has gradually worsened. Very dry, itchy patches about the size of an old sixpence, some starting to go a bit nasty. I am under instructions to get going with the Betnovate.
I am even more worried about accepting a vaccine now - I am highly allergic to quite a lot of things and I really do not want my asthma reactions to get any worse. So, I am hoping that the Oxford one will solve that problem.