and another one where the US supreme ct says no
this is texas v Penn and has first dibs at the US supreme ct
because it is state against state
the docket of papers is huge - states positing and depositing, poning and deponing, resiling or not -
Texas - I should be heard
Penn no they shouldnt actually
wade froo it if you want
another rejected in six lines - which has the effect of whatever is needed can go ahead on Monday
States can sue states if a texan resident ( eg) is affected - this is the parens patriae function we never hear of
of because the state itself is affronted.
This is the grounds thrown out in si lines
If..... you cant stand AB any longer and you wish to delve
Texas argument is: 1.Penn election is shot and everyone knows this.
2. This affects Texas because then theirn college electoral votes are useless
3. this is argument is so obvious and strong that it will win
4. therefore Texas has standing to present
in six line the supreme cg said no Texas has no standing