hi if any can offer any advice id be very grateful! basically i have been offered a new job which i am meant to start on 15th sept but i also have to give 4 weeks notice at my current job, but it won't really work out. does anyone know of any ways round this and do you have to complete your 4 weeks notice? my manager can be very unreasonable, i don't want to have to to talk to her even though i know i have to, as she will turn on me even though it's not my fault. please help!!
If you have any holiday owing, this will be set against your 4 weeks notice - so if you have 10 days holiday you will leave 2 weeks after giving notice.
Don't worry about your manager turning on you. You'll be gone very soon.
Theoretically the company can withhold monies owed as compensation for lack of notice, but that is very rare.
Give your notice in writing as soon as possible, and if needs be you will have to sacrifice one weeks pay.
you have just got to do it or stay in that job its up 2 you. i have just started a new job 2day and i had to speak to the boss from hell in order to leave my last one. i know what your going through, so your not alone. he was a right evil git but when i told him he backed down and even though i gave him only 2 weeks notice instead of the 4 weeks they wanted he knew i would go bonkers if he tried to argue it. i think you know you don't want 2 work for a boss like that for the rest of your life so just stop worrying and do it..........
thanks for the answers. i managed to speak to the manager yeaterday and i was surprised as she was quite understanding! she said i wouldnt be paid (which is to be expected) for the 2 weeks notice il be missing. hopefully it's all sorted!
told you it would be ok. the problem with some bosses is they are quick to tell you off but for dont praise you enough. i think when you say your leaving it makes them realise how much you have done for them.. at least i would like to think so. well good luck in the new job...
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Do you know the answer?
starting a new job/leaving an old job...please help!