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teacake44 | 16:51 Wed 13th Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
First of all the care homes were to blame for the spread of the virus, then it was the pubs, then the restaurants, and now the finger is being pointed at the supermarkets.
A few months ago the government praised the supermarkets / key workers for doing a fantastic job in keeping its customers supplied and safe. So who's next on their hit list so as to cover up their own cock ups.


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Has anybody mentioned hospitals? They must be the easiest place to pick up the virus.
As someone who recently spent 3 days in hospital, I can tell you that the parts of it I saw were the dirtiest I have ever seen. In the 3 days I was there, nobody swept or mopped the floor, the toilets were disgusting, and the people who were doing any cleaning, i.e toilets were the same people who were serving the food. The lady in the next bed to me needed a commode while breakfast was being served and one of the people who was serving breakfast got a commode for her and left her to do what she needed to do, on the ward, albeit behind the curtains but while the rest of us were eating. The conditions were worse than I have ever seen and I've been going there on and off for 30 + years. I ended up asking for some anti bacterial wipes so I could wipe things down myself, especially the toilet. I have never known conditions like this before, and I wasn't the only person who commented on it.
That is awful, Barsel. I could cry..
//Humans...I think humans are spreading the virus//
Maybe Humans are the virus. Covid is natures way of curing itself?
It's the virus doing what a virus does.
Why the blame game with all these settings? What about blaming the new rapidly transmissible variant that's driving the closures?
We have to think more as an inclusive society rather than blaming others. You will catch this virus as easily as you used to catch a cold in the past. We used not to worry, as we knew we would quickly recover from a cold, but now we have to change our behaviour. We need to not only minimise our personal risk of contracting and transmitting this virus, but we also need to change our societal behaviour too. Sadly, we're not very good at change. We go through an emotional cycle when change is forced upon us - anyone who's been through death , divorce or similar will recognise that. There are common stages to this, generally consisting of denial, anger and depression before we reach acceptance and adoption. Each of us takes a different time to go through each stage - some may skip whole stages - but they will generally be in that order. Some folks will get to adoption while others are still in denial, and that puts a strain on our society. Where we see people who have not adopted change as quickly as we have, it's generally because they are stuck at an earlier emotional stage, and they need gently nudging onwards. Just be aware that anger generally follows denial, so be prepared for that.
Ignorant and arrogant humans are to blame for the spread of the virus.
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jakep, Everyone was ignorant to this virus when it hit the UK last year, including scientists, doctors, and the government, the latter even advising that the chance of it reaching the UK was slim, and even if it did we were in a good position to control it, as our NHS was well prepared. So don't blame joe public when they were fed ignorant advice by a sloppy lazy arrogant PM who went round promoting shaking hands at that time.
Might be on to something with the bin men comment.

The number of times you hear of them kicking the bucket...
I wonder what Bob expects parents to do with their children. My kids dad worked away most of the time so I had no choice but to take them with me.
People are the cause of spreading the virus. Until they stop, we are all in danger .
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12.07 I think everyone knows that people spread the virus, Don't they? So shall we close the power plants ( No gas, no elec, close the supermarkets, stop the bin men coming, close the hospitals, on and on, how far do you want to go with stopping people spreading it??

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