Ahh there you are. Hope you made provision properly and maintained a private pension, although the EUSSR is doing it's damnedest to prevent the City of London providing the means to nurture it and the British Government from affording the state pension. Unless of course you have been "employed" by the EUSSR itself, then of course a gold plated pension with knobs on and large ones all round is guaranteed as long as you don't spill the beans and keep talking them up. A sort of long term bribe I suppose. It is a shame you feel that you won't live long enough to grasp the freedom and feeling of independence that our young people will, but it is worth feeling a sense of anticipation and even envy for their opportunities to blossom without the dead hand of bureaucracy and corruption that they would have had to struggle against or meekly accept like vassal slaves. Most young people seem not to worry to much about debt and the right minded amongst them just get on with it and do it without relying on the nanny state if given some hope. Did we not manage to pay off the National debt that was incurred the last 2 times we had to finance a fight to the death against evil and tyranny? They will manage ... so stop hiding behind the children, they will have their own responsibilities and do not deserve to inherit your fears and reticence.