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Kate Garraway

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ludwigvan | 13:08 Wed 20th Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
I used to feel really sorry for Kate Garraway and her family as they struggle with her husband’s battle with COVID 19, until now, she’s cashing in on his suffering by publishing a book and making a documentary about his illness, how low can you go in the pursuit of a few bob?


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Can't you?
Caron's death inspired Judy to write her first novel - Eloise.
She written a few books, I’d really like to know which one you refer to, and if you’ve read it, given what you said about her.
Think the daughter who sadly died very young was called Karen Keating, or Carol Keating.
Thanks mamy.
Ahhh...a book 'inspired by'
Is she the new Gloria Hunniford?
You're welcome.
Ah, I see Gloria has already got a mention but not from the source I expected.
You know a thread is awful when I agree with Naomi (15:30) about how nasty it is.
What has her husband got to forgive her for?
Very mean small minded post IMO
‘Forgiving chap’? What’s that supposed to mean?

If all you’ve got to be concerned about is some woman off the telly writing a book then you should think yourself very fortunate.

One G Hunniford is one too many if you don't mind, thank you.
Kate might be giving the money she makes from the book to charity for all we know. Or she may need it for someone to care for her husband for the rest of his life as it seems his lungs and heart are quite badly damaged. It's none of our business anyway.
I thought a mean post til I read the forgiving part. It's a shocking and nasty post.
perhaps she asked him and he said yes
Ludwigvan, let's hope and pray you never find yourself in Ms Garraways position !

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Kate Garraway

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