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I Want To Ask A Question That's Not News

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royfromaus | 17:04 Wed 20th Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I won't put it in news and can not apparently put it in here.

Where shall I put it?


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depends on what's it about,
What's the question in regards to Roy? Surely it'll be appropriate for one of the topics?
Bored roy??
you can as long as its not News, Politics, or current affairs, have a look at other categories that might fit the bill...
What is the subject matter?
Put it here, and let SpareEd move it ;-)
Maybe this was it canary. Roys made his point a think and moved on
got bored more like
If its politics try jokes.
//Roys made his point a think and moved on//

Increasingly, there seems to be little point to most of Roy's comments.
I see little point in moving posts.
It smacks of being seen to be doing work rather than actually improving anything.
If it is the wrong audience no one will answer, so the poster will learn not to post there again.
[i[Where shall I put it[i]

how tempting.
Oh I don't know, Mozz. Roy can often say a lot with just two words......... :-)
lol Jno

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