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Free music online / i-tunes

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luckystrike | 12:02 Sat 02nd Sep 2006 | Music
4 Answers
I have just bought myself a 30Gb i-pod and would love to fill it up with random old songs that I don't have on CD. For that reason, I am also investing in broadband.

Can anyone recommend free sights which I can download music from? Also, can anyone kindly give me a very brief laymans overview of how 'i-tunes' works?

Finally, when I download music can I back it up onto CDs?

Thanks very much!


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i use all the time. its not free but it is legal. its russian site and they actually pay royalties. Gr8 for new and old mucis, charts and soundtracks etc...

to register i think you pay about 10 dollars which is �5 basically and you can get 4 or 5 albums or just buy invividual songs. its really good and easy to use.
sorry forgot the other bit of your question...

Downlad the links from and save link to desktop. Then faff around arranging if you want you music in albums or individual songs. Shove blank CD into machine...go to my computer. click on the cd icon in removable storage, when window opens drag your music into it and copy to cd. this will then prob open windows media player, click burn to CD it will then convert to Cd while you wait and hey presto! you can then copy as many times as you like for friends etc.
It normally takes me 10 mins to do a whole cd from start to finnish
also the good thing about that site is you dont have to use all your credit up at once you can save it for next time!
Use iTunes to burn your CD - it's much easier....a single click asks you to insert a blank CD and thats it....could not be simpler. Use the 'help' menu in iTunes or ask in Google.

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Free music online / i-tunes

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