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Bank Of Mum & Dad.

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Theland | 17:08 Thu 21st Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Youngest son got a new job today, starts Monday, but needs new steel toecap boots.
Having to flash the plastic again :-)
Ah well, I'm just glad he's got a start.
Good job he hasn't got to supply his own stacker truck!
Orbit he was a fireman, his own fire engine.
Thank God for small mercies :-)


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£30 ScrewFix
17:15 Thu 21st Jan 2021
I was under the impression that employers had to provide all safety equipment.
Yes, if everyone was required to provide all of their own gear, things could get quite interesting.

Train drivers, for example, would have to provide their own trains and my mate, who's a professor of experimental high energy physics, would have to provide his own large hadron collider ;-)
I remember some years ago when a friend's son got a new job, she too had to fork out for a pair of steel toe capped boots. She didn't have a lot of money so I helped her out and he thrived in that job, luckily.
>>> I was under the impression that employers had to provide all safety equipment.

Yes, they do, Bhg481:

However Theland's son might be classed as a 'contractor' (e.g. on a building site), rather than as an 'employee'.
I bought a new pair of wellies for a building site job. Walked there, didn’t like the look of the place. Walked home. Never used wellies again.
One of my daughter's is on UC and, as it nears the end of the month, she often borrows a few quid off me. When i lend her the money through the bank, her reference is 'Bank Of Dad, Ha!'
As for the steel toecap boots; many places i have worked that required such footwear provided their workers with them and took the cost out of their wage packets in weekly instalments.
^^^ Hopefully not since Section 9 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 came into force, Ken! It's illegal for businesses to make any charge to their employees for PPE which is necessary for them to do their jobs.
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Thanks everybody.
Screwfix it is :-)
Go the extra £7.99 for these babies.
Comfortable, lightweight and waterproof.

I wear them almost every day.
good for kicking away rabid haggi too.
A quick game of keepie-uppie pre-tenderises even the toughest of the wee beasties.

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