Could I make a plea, as I've done a few times before, for the "Current Affair" and "Politics" sub topics to be moved so they are not undernearth News?
People might use these perhaps more often for this instead of Chatterbank.
They are not all that easy to find (and impossible, it seems, on a iPhone)
I find subtopics a waste of time on a phone and can usually only find them if they are in latest posts (same for polls, if they are still going).
It might be time to get rid of subtopics and use the most popular categories instead.
The whole recent change was to make it easier for the increasing use of mobile devices... but it seems to have stopped halfway (and try embedding a YouTube link from a phone...).
sort of depends - a lot of people are a lot gloomier and doomier than they were a year ago, and that's because of current events. I think being able to chat about it in CB can help. If (for instance) you're upset by people not wearing masks, it's not really "news" so much as something you need to get off your chest.
For myself, I'd say I really, really do not want to see any thing about certain current issues here in CB. It gets me down to the degree that any stress or worry I feel is increased...there has to be respite somewhere.
There are other suitable sections, such as Body and Soul.
no I have tried reporting my own answers
( in the best parsible taste of course - - when my answer does not fit the normal kilter of AB flow ) (*)
and it doesnt work
(*) you know standing like a whirlie electric fing above a churning sea of foo-s - and beloved one liners - wot dat den etc etc
1000 posts of yes you need to make a will
seems to have blunted the appetite of posters to ask endlessly
do I need to make a will or should I send madge Mopp my fren/ a letter of intent ?