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John Logie Baird

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Bazile | 15:02 Tue 26th Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Apparently this fella invented something useful on this day in 1926


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The first TV System, this day, 1926
I date the decline of civilisation to that very day.
well he didn't really, his "TV" was barely workable, the CRT was what really got TV off the ground. But yes fair enough it was the first way found to transmit TV pictures.
Sorry to interrupt your thread Bazile. Baldric have you heard from Retro lately?

Not for a while Margo, I think he's probably got as fed up as I have with this Site ;o)
Have a look at Sunday's This week's missing Abers thread. Again sorry Bazile

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John Logie Baird

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