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Did You Enjoy School?

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EmilyAdkins1 | 15:17 Wed 27th Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
I really didn’t enjoy school. I would have to say my favorite subject was always lunch.


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Emily, you chat away, its chatterbank after all, don't respond to the unnecessary comments. I did in fact enjoy school with the exception of some bullies, they are everywhere you go it would seem and they don't grow out of it in some cases ;)
16:03 Wed 27th Jan 2021
On and off...
I loved school and in the holidays I set up a school for all my toys with lessons.
Is it any wonder I became a teacher.

Emily you need more research - in North American P.E is referred to as 'Phys Ed' -pronounced 'fizz-Ed'.
In most American shows/songs I know Polly, it's "Gym" or "Gym class". Maybe the OP used "P.E." because she knows that is what it's called in the U.K.?
Yes I loved it at school .

I was sad when I left .
My last year's spent in the sixth form
The best part was the days off going carrot weeding and gooseberry picking during the war , you could eat as many carrots and berries as you like , they gave us a little book you got the farmer to tick to make sure you didn't bunk off and you could also sneak a tide on a shrimp boat where the wipper in could reach you
I loved school till I reached about 15 and discovered boys.
Then I couldn’t wait to leave, which I did ASAP.
My favourite subjects were art and biology, which I did well in.
no, i didn't enjoy school but my mother told me, 'you've got to go, your the headmaster'

Loved it, while the last two I went to anyway, they were both mixed schools, good fun.
This thread is in ChatterBank. If you don't want to chat nicely with EmilyAdkins1 then don't participate in the thread.

EmilyAdkins1, I apologize for some of the attitude that was displayed here.
It was brilliant until I knew everything at 12yrs old. Didn't go much after that.

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