//…the UK just might have to wind their neck in a little, and welcome the return of the E/U nurses they frightened away .//
Why would they want to? Why should the UK feel it is perfectly acceptable to poach healthcare staff from other countries who have paid for their training? If it does anything it will hopefully encourage the UK to train its own nurses as it always did in the past (before it insisted on degree level education to enter the profession).
//…except as I said on other threads, that HS2 has been able to continue, because we didn't leave quickly enough.//
You keep mentioning this, pixie. Can you please explain (1) Why we were forced by the EU to undertake the project and (2) Why the project is (according to you) principally for the benefit of people and businesses in Europe?
The success (or otherwise) of Brexit will take some time to manifest itself. I agree with MartinMillar, the people of NI have been thrown to the wolves and the NI Protocol is a disgrace. Hopefully the behaviour of “our European Friends” a week ago will demonstrate to the UK government the folly of such an agreement.
Once the EU gets over itself and stops (for example) insisting on 15 different forms being submitted confirming the “animal health and welfare” standards are met of fish that UK trawlers want to land on the Continent when French and Spanish trawlers are hoovering up the same fish on an industrial scale, the sooner common sense will prevail. There may be movement: I read a letter in the paper today from a correspondent in Fontainebleau explaining that the shelves of Marks & Spencer’s food hall in Paris were empty. The store blamed the new customs arrangements. Once Parisians realise their favourite M&S fodder is running short it will soon be sorted.