At the very least it will give a new definition to the term plumbers butt! Many of the historically male dominated trades and professions are being infiltrated with those of the female persuasion. I've been a commercial pilot for many years and can well remember when the very few women pilots began showing up. Initially, they were assumed to have been selected for various reasons, none of which were related to their skills as pilots. I well remember my first 6 months proficiency check in a simulator with a newly hired female First Officer. I have to say I, being of the old school, though not that chronologically challenged, looked askance to the session, at least intially. I stifled the sexist comments, fortunately, because she was well qualified and well trained. It was an epiphany for me, to say the least. So... I would have no problems with hiring a female plumber, electrician or carpenter. Any perceived inadequacies in their skills would be dealt with in the same manner as thse of their male counterparts. Keep in mind, especially in the plumbing trade, the work can be dirty, smelly and difficult... Best of luck!