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Bernie | 09:30 Wed 10th Feb 2021 | Crosswords
18 Answers
17a. In it, Anita is for the fairies(7)u?t?n??(assuming my other clues are right
20d. Gypsyman(4)???l

Many thanks


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17a.Titania - anagram of it Anita
17a titania
20d chal
Question Author
Many thanks all.
A few more problems!!
1a. Being descended from the same ancestor (13)I have consanguini??
I know it would be right maybe but I have difficulty with 2 answers out of that.
6d. Narrated (????ed) this depends on answer to 1a.
9a comes into answer for narrated. Clue for 9a Is measuring instrument (5)m?t??
4d. Distinctive practice suffix (3) I have ism
I hope this is clear
Is 1a 11 or 13 letter
Scorpios fits
6 Stated?
Ism looks ok. Specialism etc.
What does that give for narrated
Question Author
13 letters. I got consanguin
Reread?? If stated doesnt fit
Question Author
13 letters. I got consanguinity , also consanguineal.
I have since got flayed for narrated which would leave 1a ending in king???
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Ignore my last 2 answers . Predictive text playing tricks on me.
1a is 13 letters. I got consanguinity or consanguineal.
For 6d narrated I have found a word yarned for narrated??
new word to me but it seems to be a valid word in the dictionary and in scrabble
Question Author
Thank you all especially for your patience.
Yarned a new word to me too but I suppose a person could narrate a cock and bull story.!!

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