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The Vulnerability Of The Queen

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Khandro | 10:14 Sun 14th Feb 2021 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Apart from the appaling antics of Sadiq Khan's tax-funded employee-moron, this short video shows the queen to be in a vulnerable open position at the end of the row next to the steps.

Why didn't the Duke sit there, shouldn't any gentleman do that, just he would walk on the kerb side of the pavement, (not that that applies to H.M!) or is that now passé?


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PP, I'll tell you again. Leave me out of your stupid ramblings.
// it’s dated 13 February 2001//
she never lies !

OK typo but really !
sorry Naomi
to day is not
it’s dated 13 February 2001

it is ... 14 Feb 2021- when I last looked. I will ramble on...
o god this has to be AB on st valentines ....
Not sure what Valentine’s Day has to do with Khandro posting another one of his ‘Brietbart Specials’. I blew a kiss to 10cs earlier, so I am joining in with the spirit of the day. (OK, it was an ironic kiss)
Correction. 13 February 2021. Now put a sock in it, pp.
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Zacs Master. //For ‘trolling’ read ‘picking him up on his many errors’ folks.
You’ve posted a 13 year old news story, from which you chose to highlight the apparent vulnerability of the Queen//

There are no errors, this is typical of your trolling method; trying to find fault with my question rather than answer it. My first view of the picture was how vulnerable the Queen looks next to those steps & should that be where she is placed - hence the title of the OP - the date it was taken is of no consequence.
A disgraceful show of Britain's weakness and misplaced tolerance.
If you look at any film of the Queen in ,for example, Westminster Abbey or St Paul's, at any occasion from royal weddings to memorial services she always sits on the end seat.She's head of the royal family and leads them out at the end of the service in order of rank following behind the clergy.
She goes first so it would look a bit daft if she was in the middle of the row and had to get up and shuffle past everyone else to be at the front.Anyway, her security people wouldn't let anyone get within an inch of her if there was any trouble.
She may be "vulnerable" age wise, but certainly not security wise.
Erm, I did answer it, Khandro.
Question. This incident was 13 years ago, and nobody was hurt in the incident. How do we know that he hasn't reassessed his methodology and changed his ways, going legit so to speak? Does the fact that he made a political protest over adecade mean that he shouldn't be employable ever again? He's an adviser to the mayor of London, hardly in a place of huge political influence.

Plus, y'know, it's Breitbart, hardly the place of sensible, unbiased reporting.
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You may well be correct Shaney, I've hunted around & this is an early pic. I've come across;

I don't think they suspect nutters like this guy was at such events, I wonder if things have changed now, can't find any recent examples.
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Mozz //How do we know that he hasn't reassessed his methodology and changed his ways,//

How do we know he hasn't, have you?
Given that there was no real security issue with this incident, was there really a need to change anything?
Have I changed Khandro? Yes, I've changed a lot since 2007. Have you?
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Mozz; // I've changed a lot since 2007 //

Are you now less argumentative than you were then? if so you must have been a shocker
Nope, I didn't talk to morons online as much back then, so no need to constantly disagree with them.
Shame really...I guess there will now be no discussion on the erm 'diversity commission' cough.
Who was asked for mass immigration?
Nobody I know.
But they are here and get more preachy as time goes by.

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The Vulnerability Of The Queen

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