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ToraToraTora | 12:01 Mon 15th Feb 2021 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Luxembourg is the second heaviest smoking country? Belgium at no 6! Just surprised that as EUSSR members they don't seem to have managed to reduce tobacco dependency in line with the rest.


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TTT, its the wonderful dorothy parker quote, if his brains were gunpowder, he wouldn't have enough to blow his hat off... lol...
12:20 Mon 15th Feb 2021
My lorry driver mate who brings cheap wine also does a roaring trade in cheap tobacco from Antwerp.
so still no sensible input then Gully?
Id be happy taking part but I don't know the ratio of smokers in each country but it doesn't stop me being interested in the SENSIBLE topic
sensible and gully, are you kidding.

Smoking by % of population:

Kiribati 52.2 %
Germany 30.3 %
Spain 29.1 %
France 27.6 %
Italy 23.8 %
Luxembourg 23.5 %
Belgium 23.1 %
Ireland 22.1 %
United Kingdom 19.2 %
United States 17.2 %
Thank you Sunk
what about china, India, they have massive populations..

Russia 32.5 %
China 25.3 %

India 11.4 %
One does wonder where they get their figures from.
1. People lie.
2. The black market in tobacco is vast, especially in Russia and former Soviet Bloc countries.
The trade in counterfeit brands is widespread.
3. The use of pouch tobacco is very common.
4. Stolen cigarettes, if counted, distort the figures.
Really wonder what's the point of these so-called statistics.
// Really wonder what's the point of these so-called statistics. //

So TTT can make disparaging remarks about the EU.

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