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Original Will For Probate?

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linmac66 | 08:01 Thu 04th Mar 2021 | Law
5 Answers
My mum has estate in both Cyprus and UK. Cyprus estate has just been granted. However, they are retaining the original will and UK estate cannot be granted without original will. What should I do?


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You should make enquiries with the Cypriot authorities to find out how you can obtain a copy of the will, preferably officially certified as such. Then you need to follow the procedures here:
12:43 Thu 04th Mar 2021
You should make enquiries with the Cypriot authorities to find out how you can obtain a copy of the will, preferably officially certified as such.

Then you need to follow the procedures here:
Yes you will need a sealed copy, preferably with a copy of tge Cypriot grant. Probate Reg will accept a copy in these circs because they know the original is held in Cyprus.
Hire a solicitor.
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Thank you for your advice everyone. I have a lawyer in both countries for each estate but they were both sticking to their guns: Scottish lawyer insisting on original and Cyprus lawyer insisting they were keeping original. I just needed to know what I should ask Cyprus lawyer for instead. He’s posting me the court “original” so hopefully that will suffice. Thanks for help.
"Court original" will suffice in these circumstances. Seriously, the Probate Registry deals with international stuff all the time and it won't be a problem.

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Original Will For Probate?

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