shirley, i tend to agree.... but the hospital patient transport obviously didn't. i did go back to hospital saturday at 11am as requested by the doctor, so after 4 hours kip, i returned there, . and got my car company addison lee, to take me and return home last night around 5.30pm
barry, i was taken by ambulance friday night 7pm to UCH, as heart beat was erratic, the hospital let me go 3am saturday morning, so got a taxi home, had 4 hours sleep, then at 11am saturday i had to go back there to UCH hospital. i spent the whole of saturday in the hospital, finally getting home 5,30 last night.
no worries, i was surprised they let me go at 3am saturday morning, as getting home isn't that easy, its why i finally got my local car company to pick me up just after 3am.