jennyjoan "Thanks Woof - believe it or not - I do have them and have had them for about 3 years now and i love them since you don't have to screw into my lovely tiles. Am very aware the suction grab rails are not for holding full body weight just like a wee security thingmajig to hold onto."
There ain't no such thing. ANYTHING that you hold into for balance should be strong enough to support your whole body weight because when you lose your balance and need it, then at some point your whole weight WILL go on it and you WILL end up on your bum or worse. I spent a good deal of my working life telling people this, in particular telling them not to use bathroom sinks to balance on because they will pull right off the wall. I used to get the "yeah yeah" reponse every time until I was talking to one lady and her daughter, who was there, burst out laughing and said "Tell her what happened last year Mum"
Honestly its one of those things that "won't happen to you" until it happens.