Bobbi, I think that I read somewhere that Denise Coates pays something like £200 million in personal income tax annually. This is as well as the business taxes paid by the company. I suppose that she could always move abroad, base the company offshore, and avoid all the taxes. That would satisfy Claudia Webbe and her admirers for sure.
that's been tried, communism by any other name, make everyone the same, all work for the greater good, well we have seen how that works out, Mao didn't want for anything did he. Nor do any of these so called communist party leaders.
I don't mean communism, I mean just ensuring desent wages and affordability for those living under the breadline. I have absolutely no issue with those who are rich. Most have earnt their money, others inherited etc.
bobbi...sounds alright to me, but that long legged amoeba serves a very important function.
That is my point, ugly blokes can get the birds as long as they are rich.
Sqad, lots of women actually work themselves, nowadays... :-)
For one thing, if you redistributed wealth, it would soon return to how it is now (not for me, but overall).
Also, I watched The Alienist some time ago, when an actor said "Capitalism is when man exploits man. With Socialism, it's the other way round".
With a cup of delicious China green tea, I just happen to have read an article in the LRB (4 March) on Bill Gates, whose personal wealth amounts to around $130 billion, if he were to distribute to everyone, "we'd all get about $16" - what then ?
Further on it says, "...the work done by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in child health and education has saved countless lives, not least by its contribution to the Gavi Vaccine Alliance, which has prevented 13 million deaths since 2000."