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What The Media Isn't Telling You............

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ToraToraTora | 16:24 Wed 14th Apr 2021 | News
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Poor girl, it was an accident.
19:42 Thu 15th Apr 2021
// Being a plonker is not a crime.//
er-er ( that is the sound of buzzer)

it is when you foo someone and they die
oops is not an efficient defence here

reader - I think I have dumbed down the law of manslaughter and defences rather well, dont you?
TTT - // she's been charged to sate the looters, I don't see what crime she has committed. Being a plonker is not a crime. //

She has been charged because she committed a crime - Second Degree Manslaughter.

That's the crime you advise you can't see.

Being a plonker is not a crime, shooting someone with a gun is a crime.
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it was an accident.
TTT - // it was an accident. //

The police think otherwise, and the court will decide that.
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initially the police did not think otherwise. They are trying to sate the looters. No doubt like Chauvin she will be found guilty because that is what BLM et al demand but don't tell me it's related to justice, it's just delivering to the mob.
TTT - ... but don't tell me it's related to justice, it's just delivering to the mob. //

OK, you got yourself a deal.
I'm not a US citizen, I don't know their laws too well, but I think I'm right in saying that the police there are the police only ... not the police, judge, jury and executioner. That's particularly true when the alleged crime isn't even a capital crime.
Poor girl, it was an accident.
// it was an accident.//
er-er ( that pesky buzza again)

the whole point of manslaughter is that you didnt mean ....
( foo-fighters book of manslaughter, suitable for 5-7 y olds)
I do sometimes wonder what opinions would be if some English ex-villain had been shot dead by police whilst resisting arrest in e.g. Nigeria, Haiti or Afghanistan.
//you are NOT trained to shout tazer tazer tazer before you shoot someone and so she er DIDNT follow training - otherwise carry on !//

According to the police chief who was interviewed after it happened, it is exactly as she was trained. The shout of "taser"x3 is to alert her fellow officers of her intention to tase the suspect so they can clear out the way.
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yes mozz, gawd knows what's going through PP's bonce.
I'm still convinced it was an accident, but that doesn't mean the officer should avoid prosicution. A man's life was lost because of her incompetence. She should be bough to task because of that, but for a lesser count than murder, which it seems is exactly what is happening.
I know Tora. It comes to something when you and I are in agreement! ;-)
At the very real risk of upsetting Sqad, thanks for BA !
These incidents are manna from heaven for some factions:

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