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Speaking Face To Face.

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MynameisLuca | 21:49 Wed 21st Apr 2021 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
How long have you gone without speaking to someone face to face?
I've gone about a week. I kinda like it, I prefer text or Wattsapp.


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Weeks and weeks during Covid precautions. Apart from the odd delivery man or cold caller, my first face-to-face since 29th Feb 2020 was my Covid jab last month.
Never. The most detached conversations I've had was being in hospital for 2 weeks during lockdown. I still spoke to people but not really by choice (I'm not including doctors in that)
a couple of weeks when i couldn't meet up with a friend, but we have met most weeks for a takeaway coffee.
i was in hospital over a couple of days, not sure if that should be included.

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