I'm thinking of getting an electric bicycle. Does anyone have any recommendations? There are loads of them out there and would like to hear your personal ideas.
An important distinction to be aware of is that there are so-called "throttle" bikes which will propel you on the battery alone and then there are others where you need to pedal a little with the motor (but it is by no means strenuous). Beyond that you need to simply read the stated performance figures and choose - plus perhaps looks, etc. In my opinion you can get something perfectly acceptable at a price way below the top end.
The ones I have seen do say you have to pedal. That's fine, I don't want one where I just sit there. It's just for assistance when you come to those steep bits. That's what eventually put me off cycling as age crept up!
I have had a Freego electric bike for some years now, Imlost. Because I'm not tall I had little choice and paid £1000 for it then. I wouldn't be without it. I only use the power for hills and when I need a bit of a rest.
My daughter bought one a couple of months ago. She had a good search around and bought a second hand one at a really good price.
If I was buying again that's what I'd do. They were a novelty for some folk and ended up doing nothing in a garage.
But having just had a look Freego has gone into liquidation. Some great reviews and some awful though I've been happy with mine.
Difficult I guess these days for you to get to try out a second hand one which is what my daughter did .... and you do need to sit on one and get the feel of what suits you....but worth a look around maybe.
Cheers gness, you seem to be using yours in exactly the same way as I would. I just want a small wheeled foldable one due to lack of storage space. I'll keep looking. Thanks again.