Can anyone recommend some powerful headache tablets? I have had this one for 2 days now and feel sick too. Cant get an appointment with GP till tomorrow so need something before then. Thanks
I usually use nurofen. I think they do a really strong one now, but I havent tried it yet. Can you get to a pharmacy and ask their advice? I also usually try to sleep mine off when it gets really bad. Could also try a cold flannel on the forehead, I find it soothes a bit.
Heck! Unless you're a brain surgeon, tell them to go shove it. Your health's more important than any job and I know how bad a headache can be. Particularly when they make you feel nauseous. Tell them to get stuffed, you need to go home and lie down, lol
Have you tried ibuprofen (nurofen) and paracetamol together . Fine to take max doses at same time - unless you are asthmatic or have stomach probs, in which case you shouldn't take ibuprofen.
Migreleve contains codeine phosphate which is quite powerful too . Hope you feel better soon . Headaches are miserable.x
I'm suffering with "tension headaches" at the moment (pain starts at back of the head/neck and spreads), chemist suggested Syndol - took a while to kick in but seems to work if I feel one coming on.
Co-proxymol works for me of the over the counter ones. I have a long history of headaches from a very old head injury and sometimes the pain is unbearable, but these do help.