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Robbie at Roundhay

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ilbeja | 12:35 Thu 07th Sep 2006 | Music
3 Answers
what time is Robbie Williams likely to get on stage at Rounday, and what time is the gig likely to finish


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Dunno,but I am meant to be seeing him at Milton Keynes next friday - the doors open at 2.30pm but the website says it goes on till 10.30pm!! And I STILL haven't received my tickets yet!!
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Thanks Pink Fizz - know what to tell the babysitter now!!!
The itinary is 6.15 to 6.45 Orson, followed by Basement Jaxx 7.15 to 8.00 then Robbie 8.30 to 10.30. A top nights entertainment.

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Robbie at Roundhay

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