Crosswords5 mins ago
Bobby Darin
My friend and I are having a discussion what year Bobby Darin had the hit Beyond the sea in the uk charts. I say 1960. He says 1959. Whom is right please. Thank you
Hi It reached number 8 on January 29th 1960
09:51 Thu 13th May 2021
https:/ /en.wik ipedia. org/wik i/Beyon d_the_S ea_(son g)
According to this it was released in late 1959 and charted in the UK in early 1960.
According to this it was released in late 1959 and charted in the UK in early 1960.
https:/ /www.of ficialc harts.c om/char ts/sing les-cha rt/1960 0129/75 01/
It entered the charts in the week 29 Jan - 4th Feb 1960.
It entered the charts in the week 29 Jan - 4th Feb 1960.