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Would This Work In The Middle East Conflict?

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bednobs | 16:45 Tue 18th May 2021 | ChatterBank
8 Answers


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Banging balls with a mallet could get results.
I've always found it does, McMouse... :-)

It's Nen of course. Those over in Cambs were wrong... :-)
I suspect not:

Peterborough club secretary, Paul Hetherington, said: "We were robbed really - 55% of the hoops scored were scored by us and, despite that, I've got to call it the 'Nen'.Peterborough club secretary, Paul Hetherington, said: "We were robbed really - 55% of the hoops scored were scored by us and, despite that, I've got to call it the 'Nen'.

All-out war is probably fairer.
I’m really sorry. I don’t see any humour in the OP .
Question Author
it doesnt matter: you dont have to :)
I know :-)
I'm nen the wiser, there is dancing in the streets of Raith tonight though.
Ken .

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Would This Work In The Middle East Conflict?

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