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I'm Trying To Keep My Cool

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pastafreak | 18:39 Fri 28th May 2021 | ChatterBank
44 Answers
...and not get upset.
It's not working. Daughter and partner were coming down booked. Two meals out booked.
Car cancelled at last minute...
No trains...
Trying another/ other car companies
If all else fails...bus.
I'm trying to stay calm...but it's not working.


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Glad to hear they are on their way. My son and his two older girls are coming down tomorrow. Haven’t seen them since last September. I haven’t seen my daughter since Christmas 2019! Hopefully she is coming at the end of August.
It’s a great time for some abers, seeing family members after a long time apart. Enjoy .
Good to hear they're other way, Pasta :o)
I fully understand how you feel Pasta. My daughter managed to get down last week for a couple of days and it was wonderful. She had to go back on Thursday as she had to go to work but after over a year it was so lovely. Fortunately she managed to miss most of the traffic both coming down and going back. The number of visitors down here is amazing.
I hope you have a great time together.

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