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Salmon Frittata

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Vagus | 17:27 Thu 27th May 2021 | Food & Drink
15 Answers
Neighbour is making this tonight and it encouraged me to look up recipes for it.
I’ve seen one for salmon, sweet potatoes and peas and quite fancy doing it, anyone made one? Was wondering if it needs lots of seasoning as I do find salmon and eggs can be a bit bland.


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Salt pepper and dill will add interest as yes it’s a wee bit bland
Salmon isn't bland. It shouldn't be anyway. Salmon is strong enough to take extra flavour.

What type of salmon are you cooking? Is it bought frozen?

I made one with smoked salmon, must have been a bit of a dud as I haven’t made it again.
Try and get a natural salmon over a farm one, worth the extra £ for the taste....a little salt, plenty of black pepper and some herbs - what do you gave but chives, lemon thyme and for a difference, some freshly ground (pestle and mortar) coriander seeds and/or juniper will add some punch.
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The salmon I buy is a long side which I then slice up into slices/fillets/something else, I don’t know what you call them, and then freeze at home.
I do like salmon but agree with Martin that it can be bland, even if it’s very salmony tasting.
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Neither of us like smoked salmon, and I’m not going to buy more fresh salmon any when I have a freezer drawer half full of these slices I already have.
no use them up, maybe some gently sautéed chopped shallot to go in as well.....
DT - I think you over complicate food. Most of it speaks for itself.
I'm having homemade beer battered cod and chips for dinner
Homemade macaroni cheese here, the complication is three slices of bacon 'roasting' in the, I'm just looking to add to possibly bland ex-frozen salmon, ummmm. By the way, sorry to hear about your Aunt's demise - such a young age too.
Thank you, DT x
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We’ve just polished this off, it’s delicious and anyone wanting to try something a bit different with salmon should try it, can’t recommend it highly enough.
Didn’t add dill (didn’t have any and other half doesn’t like it anyway) just made sure of plenty of seasoning with salt and pepper.
I love to add lemon and pepper to my salmon
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The recipe did say to serve it with lemon wedges but I didn’t have any lemons.
I’m sure it would enhance it though and when I do it again I’ll make sure to have some lemons in. I find a squeeze of lemon, or lime, really makes a difference to many dishes.
We always have a jar of these in the fridge...useful when you need lemon but don't have fresh ones.

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Salmon Frittata

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