same advice to Meghan - - get over it
reviewing the seller is separate to reviewing (( the book)
it was done by a bot - I like the ones that f ilter out - "if you have said something nasty about X then it isnt a review"
so they dont have to agonise about it
Netflix have a really bizarre filter system for goofs and trivia
Peaky Blinders - I didnt get in - - -Shelby Head office is the street oppo the Union Pub in Manchester - no trees, the trees are in tubs and you can see the stabilising bags of sand
they have a view of the canal ( canal st ) which is used in the Cream of Manchester ad ( blimey that is trivia pure and simple)
whereas they let in someone elses
when APG shoot one of them in the garden - she cdnt have with the gun she had
- oh in the kitchen scene - the head chef who is an arteest - is seen attacking a carcass wivva cleaver - something a butcher would do