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aurora borealis

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leaf | 20:48 Sun 27th Aug 2006 | People & Places
5 Answers
Is there anywhere you can guarantee to see the aurora borealis? I have only ever seen it on film and would love to see it for real, but would like to know where and when is the best time. Thanks Leaf


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anywhere like Greenland and some places in Scandinavia. If you google it ,it may give times of when it is clearer. I know you can see them from the very tips of Scotland on rare occasions.
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Try this site...loads of info!!!
You can see it in Tromso in Norway..well I did any way many years ago now though .A wonderful sight ..but it does all depend on the weather ! And you may have to hang around.
You need clear cloudless weather and no light pollution.It's a bit hit and miss so have a look here
Virtually anywhere in the northern latitudes is a site for
the sight. They are not uncommon phenomena in Scotland
and N.E.England...there, Iv'e saved you the cost of a trip to Finland or Alaska.
As a kiddie living in the N.E. we occasionally saw them on bitterly cold, cloudless ,moonless nights in winter, My mother brought us indoors, 'cos she considered them to be an omen of v. bad luck .
Years later, on investigation, I found the source of this superstition; seemingly it comes from the poem 'After Flodden' and goes;
'And all night long the northern streamers
Shot across the trembling sky;
Fearful lights which never beckon,
Save when kings and heroes die '

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