Law3 mins ago
Who Was That Woman?
9 Answers
I just watched "funny Cow".(Channel 4). i thought the woman at the bottom of the stairs at 53:33 (including adverts) blooked like Cilla Black, but it couldn't have been her, as she died in 2015 and "Funny Cow" was made (or released) in 2017. She is uncredited despite having more to say that some who are. Who was she?
looks like Jayne Tunnicliffe https://www. earch?q=jayn e+tunnicliff e&rlz=1C1DIM C_enGB887GB8 87&oq=jayne+ tunnicliffe& amp;aqs=chro me..69i57j46 j0l3j0i22i30 j69i61.3328j 0j9&sourceid =chrome&ie=U TF-8
14:58 Thu 10th Jun 2021
As Funny Cow was going up some stairs she met this woman going down the stairs carrying a cardboard box filled with bits and bobs. The woman says: Jokes, is it? FC: Yeah. ... Do you like jokes? Woman: They're all right if you like laughin'. The IMDb cast list lists severla womean without a photo, so it's not much use in identifying her.
Yes, I saw that once chelle 7272 had found her for me. But she wasn't at all 'mad', unless you count saying that jokes are all right if you like laughin' is mad. I thought that there were too many actresses listed with no photo to make it worthwhile looking. I thought if there was no image in the cast list it meant that there was no image anywhere.