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Queen At Wembley 1986

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Smowball | 18:24 Thu 03rd Jun 2021 | Music
28 Answers
Randomly put this on and wow! The size of the crowds, the obvious atmosphere, the energy, and as for his voice!! Just incredible. And Brian Mays guitar playing!! They do NOT make concerts like that anymore! Such an incredible talent. Such a waste.


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A perfectly adequate band as far as they went but let's not get too carried away.

Quirky but unfocused and as for Mr May, change it up a bit big man.

Flash Gordon says it all really, how the mighty are fallen.
you're just a big old fashioned lover boy dougie!
As some on here will tell you, Douglas, imho Flash Gordon was a bigger mistake than doing the Sun City gig! Absolutely hate the song.
next you'll be telling Gordon's alive!
But Highlander was better!

I'm not particularl

Producing a perfect movie song isn't easy, as anyone who's watched The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie will know.
what happened there???

What I said was that I love the movie Flash Gordon and the title song is perfect, the same mixture of camp and bombast.
douglas - // A perfectly adequate band as far as they went but let's not get too carried away. //

I think you can level many adjectives at Queen, but perfectly adequate' is not one of them.

They were consistently ahead of their time, and they managed to do what all the absolultey top artists do, create a sound which can only ever be them and no-one else.

// Quirky but unfocused and as for Mr May, change it up a bit big man.

There we are in alignment, I did despair of the virtually unchanging guitar tone that May used, and still uses - it is very much a signature tone, but it could be so much more.

He can vary it, and did on occasion, but nowhere near as much as I would have liked, but that's just a minor gripe with an awesome band.

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Queen At Wembley 1986

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