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Having A ‘Stitch’.....

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Smowball | 22:29 Sun 04th Jul 2021 | Body & Soul
30 Answers
I woke up with what a would call a stich in my left side this morning about 8am. Really painful. Haven’t had one for years. Well it’s now about 16hours later and still the same - just as painful. Any ideas??


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Have spoken to 111 and theyve flipping told me to go casualty!
then go, take your mask....
if that is there best advice, then follow it smow. is the hospital near you
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Hospital is about half hour away
by car smow?
can Mr Smow take you there... if its bad then you should go...
I don't understand this " I don't want to bother them " mindset. It is their job, what you have no doubt contributed to for many years,so call them as many times as you need to.
Hope you have gone to A and E. symptoms could be minor or serious
Hopeless information...........
As a matter of interest......mild you period due in 2 weeks time?
Many many years ago when I was nowt but a lass I had a similar severe pain. I was taken to hospital from work and was told it was my middle fortnight. The pain got much worse and the following day I managed to get to my doctors who told me it was severe cystitis. Never had pain like it.

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Having A ‘Stitch’.....

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