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jennyjoan | 10:35 Wed 07th Jul 2021 | Music
19 Answers


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I suspect it means they come to your house rather than you going to theirs.
Question Author
I had been thinking vice versa - I bring my keyboard to them
Not sure what the Highway Code guidance is on towing pianos...
I think most people would hesitate at taking their own piano along for lessons; even keyboards can be bulky and awkward.
my grand's staying in the conservatory
They come to you, same as mobile hairdressers
'I had been thinking vice versa - I bring my keyboard to them'

Jesus Mary & Joseph.
Getting a piano in a lift might be awkward...
Zacs, and the wee donkey :-)
/// same as mobile hairdressers ///

So they bring all necessary equipment with them - that could be a Grand experience ;-)

Hey Yogi, long time no see , I hope you and Mrs Bear are well ?
( sorry JJ)
We're fine thanks, sox.....hope you and all the family are too, my lovely.
Cookin’ on gas here Yogi :0)
What does your mobile hairdresser carry the hot water, broom and dustpan in, Canary?
My hair was mobilised years ago, so I don't need a hairdresser.
According to Google it’s piano lessons delivered via your mobile - ie online.
A mobile hairdresser comes to your home, I assume a mobile piano teacher would do the same. I'm not sure what class has to do with it.
JJ was apologising for using upper case letters in her OP.

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