Wow, I got a bit worried then - upon reading the beginning of your post - it felt as though I could have written it ! THis is indeed worrying behaviour and I too am in the same situation with a friend of mine I have known just a year., she thinks she is gods gift and any guy she comes into contact with she tries it on with no matter of age, looks, status etc...its getting to the point of embarrasment and I introduced her to an ex of mine and she is still seeing him - thankfully i dont have any feelings for him anymore! But many people i have been talking to who know her say the same thing, one person had to stop inviting her to dinner parties and get togethers cos she tried it on with her husband and other male members openly flirting and taking items of clothing off - I think this is a insecurity issue here - and your friend needs help, please tell her to seek counselling as it is very destructive behaviour and needs to stop now. Otherwise she will end up being very lonely and desperate. My friend and i went out for a drink and a guy we were both interested in came over to chat, once my friend went to the loo he told me it was ME he was interested in - my friend went loopy saying 'whats she got I havent?' That says it all.