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How Many People Are Ticking Off The Days Until They Can Ditch Their Mask? I Most Certainly Am.

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diddlydo | 13:25 Mon 12th Jul 2021 | ChatterBank
151 Answers
Does anyone truly believe that flimsy homemade fabric masks serve any useful purpose?


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Then you haven't been reading carefully enough. Still, you can't hope to control a threat if you don't take it seriously enough. Thank goodness, then, that we listened to the warnings in time to save many thousands of lives.
We have taken it seriously.
Good. And we should continue to do so.

Nice to end on a note of agreement.
You're getting carried away, Jim. Clearly I do not agree with you.
I'm not going to spend half an hour watching that. If you have something to say, say it.
It's where I got the "end on a note of agreement" quote from, is all.
Oh right...
It's also great comedy, of course.
//...mask-wearing as a daily habit may be alien to our culture, but is relatively commonplace among many Asian countries,//

They do lots of things in Asian countries which we don't do in the West and one or two of them may be the very reason this whole thing kicked off, so hardly a ringing endorsement.

I read the results of yet another survey yesterday which discovered that a sizeable percentage of those who took part want to see mask wearing and social distancing extended indefinitely, regardless of how the pandemic progresses. This does indicate that the lunatics really have taken control of the asylum as, for no other reason, if "social distancing" is adhered to (i.e. no close contact with people outside your household, to put it at its simplest) then no new sexual relationships will be formed and the human race will die out. That may or may not be the desired outcome for some of the survey's respondents, but if the UK government is taking heed of any such findings when reaching its decisions, we really are in trouble.
But if we don’t wear masks (according to some on this site - and honourable mentions go to StGness and Welsh Bob) we’re selfish and don’t care about people…even though, come next week, the Govt will say we may not have to wear masks.

That, of course, means nothing to the permanent pious, and they will continue to sit on high and accuse people who make the choice not to wear masks, because it will become a guideline only, of being granny killers.

They’re (a) wrong and (b) wrong.

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How Many People Are Ticking Off The Days Until They Can Ditch Their Mask? I Most Certainly Am.

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