We went to Bristol today to have the other half of it completed.
He had the magnet inserted into his skull four weeks ago. Today was fitting the sensor to it. It's a hearing aid type thing attached to a circular magnet on a wire. The circular bit attaches to the magnet in his skull. There was lots of tuning going on for nearly an hour. He has a small suitcase shaped container with loads of bits and pieces, attachments, chargers and paper work. He has two more appointments for retuning purposes.
He is a bit disappointed as it's not as good as he thought it was going to be.
But they stress it can take a time to get it right.
So we go again next Wednesday.
I hope it will too eventually. He has no hearing at all in one ear and very little in the other. He has an ordinary hearing aid fitted in the best ear and this cochlear inplant in the other. We just have to wait and see what is the best optimum with the inplant.
I do hope it will help eventually. My SIL is completely deaf in one ear after a lot of problems as a child. I will mention it to him. I wish your OH all the best xx
Thank you all for your good wishe. He is currently filling in a form that list a lot of household noises, I.e. Kettle, microwave, Hoover, chinking glass , also noises outside the house and in the car. About 30 all together.He has to answer as to what he can hear in each ear. Keeping him out of mischief!!