Removing Splinters
Topic Overview
Before using tweezers or a needle, try using cellophane tape to remove a splinter. Simply put the tape over the splinter, then pull the tape off. The tape will stick to the splinter and remove it painlessly. If tape doesn't work:
� Wash your hands well with soap and water.
� Grasp the end of the splinter with clean tweezers, and gently pull it out.
� If the splinter is embedded in the skin, clean a needle with alcohol and make a small hole in the skin over the end of the splinter.
� Lift the splinter with the tip of the needle until it can be grasped with the tweezers and pulled out.
� Do not wet or soak the splinter because it will be harder to remove in one piece.
� After the splinter has been removed, clean the wound and watch for any
You may need medical care if the splinter:
� Is very large.
� Is deeply embedded in the skin.
� Cannot be easily removed.
� Is in the eye.
� Broke off and part of it remains in the wound or if you are uncertain if the splinter has been removed.