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Organic V. Non-Organic Food

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Khandro | 08:44 Wed 04th Aug 2021 | Body & Soul
31 Answers
Which is the healthier?


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There has always been an issue with bean sprouts organic or not. Same with dried kidney beans.
There are many potential sources of E.coli. one outbreak 10 years ago doesn't make the whole industry less healthy....
There have been a number of ecoli outbreaks across the U.S. in recent years...due to several types of lettuce from different sources. Not organic.
For goodness sake, just eat the one you want. The likelihood of contracting ecoli from any, or grown in your neighbours relatively slim.
Just remember that manure is probably necessary to improve poor soil quality and is, I would imagine, the best way to restore nutrients.
Organic is not worth the extra cost for no benefit.
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chelle: //one outbreak 10 years ago doesn't make the whole industry less healthy....//

There are a lot more cases than that - and please read my post above at 9:51

Is it worth paying the extra when there are no guarantees that it is safer, & many households would not be able to feed at organic prices, with prices, I quote, 'ranging from 11% (for organic milk) & more than 400% (for organic chicken).
There is no guarantee for any food.
We like our food cheap in this country, so unless demand increases and organic becomes the norm it will continue to be expensive.
I once by mistake bought a pint of organic milk. It tasted vile. One mouthful and I had to pour the rest of my tea down the sink followed by the rest of the milk. Never again.

Anyway, what is organic milk? If there is such a thing it must come from organic cows. What's one of them?
Organic milk doesn't taste any different from ordinary milk. It was probably off.
Organic for me if viable. I use organic milk from cow’s fed on un sprayed pasture. Organic cereal, eggs, tomatoes, etc. More expensive, but my choice.
I grow a lot of fruit and veg. I will continue to use horse manure and chicken manure, just like my dad and grandad did.
I haven't had a bad stomach since I drunk far too much scrumpy when I was 16.

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Organic V. Non-Organic Food

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