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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:47 Sat 14th Aug 2021 | ChatterBank
95 Answers
its another early start, but I can't get back to sleep so here we are. i hope that the day goes well for you and that you are in good spirits. Any plans for the day? i have my late luncheon to look forward to and will finish off the tidying up this morning, so all i have to do is put the food out which won't take long. Then provided the sun shines tomorrow there is a picnic to look forward to. As long as it doesn't rain i don't mind going. Last time it pelted down and i missed out.


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Now it is raining. So very wrong.

Health up and down but mostly down the last few weeks and quite a bit of pain but not giving in just yet.

Oh it is just thundering down now. Expect it will change when the tide does.
The sun has gone away here too LJ, now dull and overcast (((
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sorry to hear that LJ, i confess i am in the same boat with regards to pain, am dosing myself with paracetamol as i seem to have hurt myself somehow, though i haven't taken a fall, just my right hip down the flank hurts a lot, so if it continues will consult the doctor on monday as its now been 7 days of it.
Hope all goes well for you emmie.

Morning Bobbi.
Back at ya LJ xx
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thank you LJ, and you too...
Morning all, could be sciatica, emmie. I don’t think much can be done about that - but I might be wrong.
Thank you both. Time for me to go and ponder on doing nothing. Certainly nothing outside in this rain.

Take care and hope all goes well emmie.
Morning all xx
Morning Lcg,how’s the little man ?
Still off his food, Bobbi xx
Hope your little one feels better soon, LCG.
A lot of throat infections around here :-(
Nurseries are a breeding ground for bugs until their immune system builds , hope he’s fully better very soon xx
Good grief, emmie!

I often see your "early bird" posts but I must say I've never looked into them. For some reason I noticed the time of this one and you're up and about at a quarter to five. That's the middle of the night! Have you tried going to bed later?
Thanks, Patsy. At least his Covid test came back negative so he can go back to Nursery on Tuesday. We paid nearly £800 for him to go to Nursery during the holidays because he loves it so much, so I wouldn't want him to be deprived. I think the rules have changed anyway or are about to change any day now.

He wouldn't even eat his chocolate Buttons earlier, so he must be feeling poorly.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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