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Public Health

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Barsel | 13:25 Wed 18th Aug 2021 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
How do you contact public health by phone, is it a local number to where you live? TIA.


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I think it should be under Environmental Health of your County or District Council.
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Thanks barmaid, I'll take a look.
A few clicks here and you should find your local PHE contact details.
good luck - I have always found them a bit poncey.
try also your local GP ( no really) and the local council
depending on what the problem is
yeah sozza
best answer for Barmaid
Question Author
It turned out it was Environmental Health I needed.
I was getting the info for one of my neighbours, and when I gave her the phone number, she said she had changed her mind about contacting them!
I keep saying I'll stop trying to help some people who ask me for help as quite often, they don't do anything about it.
It's very frustrating and I end up making phone calls myself to make sure I have the correct number for them.
Rant over, and I know I'll still do it! :-)

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