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Solar Lights Twinkling Out Side On The Fence , Washing Not Drying

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Bobbisox1 | 17:01 Fri 20th Aug 2021 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Happy August :0(


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Wotcher, Bobbi!

August has been garbage in more ways than one.

I have high hopes for September ... Riverdance, Genesis, new kitchen... x
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OLA Lcg, it’s been a proppa washout ;0)
Hopefully I’ll feel some Canarian sun on my back ; and front ) haha
Is it dark up there already Bobbi??
When do you go to The Canaries ?
Question Author
Not really dark but very dull Sharon which is why it’s odd seeing the tiny solars twinkling on the fence :0)

Two weeks time Lcg,it ain’t over till the fat lady sings as they say so I’m just hoping
It's been a lovely day here, bright, warm & sunny. But tomorrow we are due to have Thunderstorms
No holidays for me until next year :-(
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I think heavy rain’s forecast here ,deep joy
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At least I was able to check in Lcg ;)
I have a deck chair vacant right next to me Bobbi. Day time temp at 33 degs and a litre bottle of grey goose in the fridge ,, get yourself over here .

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Solar Lights Twinkling Out Side On The Fence , Washing Not Drying

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